Why AdBlock Detector Pro

Customisable light-weight plugin
It can encompass many forms of content.
Millions colors
to choose from

Adjust the color of the plugin as per the accent color of your website

Responsive Design With
Many Layout Options

Works well in almost every device and all modern browsers.

Easy customization
No Coding

Change color, hide or show any elements, change the text as per your needs

Quick Support
By Flerosoft

Get Support by the developer in case of any issues or queries

Simple & Rich

Always upto date and simple to understand document available online

Free Future

Get all the future updates FREE OF COST when you purchase from CODECANYON

Plugin Features

Integrating it into your website is super easy
Some features are listed below


The plugin is designed to be lightweight, so it doesn't slow down your website or consume a lot of resources

Easy Customisation

Customize the color, appearance of the plugin and message displayed to the user

Detects Top Ad Blockers

The plugin is designed to work with the most popular ad-blockers

Easy to Implement

The plugin is easy to implement and can be integrated into your website with minimal or no coding effort

No Third-Party Library Required

The plugin does not require any third-party libraries to work, making it easy to implement and maintain

Browser Support

This plugin supports all the major web browsers like Chrome, Opera, Safari, FireFox, Edge.

Facing issues in setup or plugin?
Send us a ticket and we will get back to you.


Empowering The Internet Generation

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feel free to contact us!

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